Philipp Wintersberger
Research group:
Intelligence alone doesn’t guarantee effective collaboration — this is true for humans, but also for machines and AI. Effective collaboration requires understanding the dynamics of teamwork and recognizing the strengths and weaknesses of all team members. At the Intelligent User Interfaces Research Group at IT:U, we focus on developing innovative interaction concepts for AI and computing, ensuring that future digital systems evolve from being mere tools to becoming valuable team players.
Short bio:
Philipp Wintersberger is a Full Professor of Intelligent User Interfaces at IT:U (Linz, Austria). He leads an interdisciplinary team of scientists working on research projects funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), and industry partners. His research focuses on human-machine cooperation in safety-critical environments, including automated vehicles, robotic and industrial systems, and AI-supported workplaces. Dr. Wintersberger has (co-)authored numerous works published in major journals and conferences, such as ACM CHI, ACM IUI, AutomotiveUI, and Human Factors, and his contributions have earned several awards. He is a founding member of SIGCHI Austria and serves on the ACM AutomotiveUI steering committee. He has contributed to Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) conferences in various key roles and is one of the main organizers of the CHI workshop series on Explainable Artificial Intelligence.