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:Provisional Bylaws

Provisional Bylaws of the Institute of Digital Sciences Austria a.k.a. Interdisciplinary Transformation University (IT:U)

In its meeting of 3rd June 2024, the Founding Convention of IT:U adopted the following parts of the provisional Bylaws on the basis of section 6 para 5 subpara 4 of the Federal Act on the Foundation of the Institute of Digital Sciences Austria (Bundesgesetz über die Gründung des Institute of Digital Sciences Austria), Federal Law Gazette I No. 120/2022:


On the basis and within the scope of the Federal Act on the Foundation of the Institute of Digital Sciences Austria (in the following: IDSA Foundation Act), these Bylaws lay down such rules as are necessary, from today’s perspective, as a matter of priority for the founding and development stages of IT:U (in the following: the University). Further parts of the Bylaws will be added in due time.

Further groundwork for the orientation and organisation of the University was laid in the resolution passed by the Founding Convention on 15 June 2023: “Points of reference and guidelines for the orientation, organisation and further development of the IDSA”.

Part I of the Bylaws
General provisions and communication

Article 1
General information and principles

(1) The University conducts its affairs autonomously in compliance with the applicable laws (Article 81c of the Federal Constitutional Act [Bundes-Verfassungsgesetz, B-VG]).

(2) The University is committed to equality within the meaning of the Federal Equal Treatment Act (Bundes-Gleichbehandlungsgesetz, B-GlBG), to gender parity and diversity, and to safeguarding the interests of persons with disabilities. All governing and advisory bodies are required to take these aspects into account in all their procedures and decisions. This also applies to the composition of governing and other bodies.

(3) The University and all of its institutions are subject to the Federal Public Corporate Governance Code (Bundes-Public Corporate Governance Kodex, B-PCGK).

Article 2
Communication and information platform

(1) The University shall establish a communication and information platform (CIP) that is accessible via the internet. The CIP must be designed in a way that safeguards the authenticity and integrity of the published documents and ensures the traceability of the publications over time. The following must be published on the CIP in any event:

1. the Bylaws and any amendments thereto,

2. any vacancies for professorships and members of the first management level,

3. the educational programmes offered and the curricula.

(2) The notices published on the CIP must be kept available on the platform as amended from time to time for the purpose of information.

(3) Until the CIP has been established, notices are published on the website of IT:U. The CIP will be established at the latest by the start of the summer semester of 2024.

Article 3
Principles of communication, programmes and services offered, procedures

(1) The University aims, among other things, to be a role model for the integration of digital instruments and digital governance in research, teaching, and administration. The University will thus largely rely on digital tools and media to carry out its tasks, guided in particular by the principles of ‘data once only’ and ‘mobile first’.

(2) The working language of the University is English. All programmes and services offered by the University must be provided in English at the very least. This does not apply to activities and services primarily directed at the general public.

(3) All programmes and services offered by the University must also be provided or designed in a digital and accessible manner insofar as this is appropriate, practicable and legally permissible considering their nature. In this context, a high level of data protection and data security must be ensured.

(4) Communication in meetings of the University’s governing and other bodies, formal settings, work meetings and votes may also involve the use of digital media. Meetings may be recorded using means of electronic communication and documentation for the purpose of taking minutes. Detailed provisions must be laid down in the rules of procedure of the respective governing or other bodies, including, without limitation, provisions on the reliable identification of members, the reliable determination as to whether the requirements for passing resolutions (attendance and voting) have been met, and the confidentiality of proposals, discussions, and votes in hybrid settings.

(5) The governing and other bodies are quorate if at least half of their members are present; as a rule, their decisions are taken by a simple majority of the valid votes cast. Abstentions and invalid votes are deemed as votes not cast. Members who attend a meeting using electronic communication systems are deemed to be present in person. Resolutions on the rules of procedure and any amendments thereto require a majority of two thirds of the valid votes cast and must be brought to the attention of the Founding Convention.

(6) The governing and other bodies may adopt their own rules of procedure. Where no such rules of procedure have been adopted, the rules of procedure of the Founding Convention apply mutatis mutandis. The rules of procedure for the first management level (see below) are subject to the approval of the Founding Convention. The rules of procedure must include, without limitation, provisions on irreconcilability, partiality, obligations of confidentiality, and the protection of the interests referred to in Article 1 (2) of Part I of the Bylaws.

(7) If these Bylaws, the Organisational Structure Plan or any agreements between the Founding Convention and the Founding President include requirements to submit documents for opinion, approval or resolution, or provide opportunities for involvement in governance processes, such processes must be set up in such a way that the Founding Convention and the Founding President can engage in a ‘qualified dialogue’ (see below). This includes, without limitation:

  1. regular information about the status of processes and implementation activities in all fundamental matters as well as in matters expressly requested by the Founding Convention;
  2. in matters that are subject to resolution by the Founding Convention, prior agreement of a time schedule between the Founding President and the Founding Convention that allows sufficient time for preparation – as a rule, at least six (6) working days – following the submission of a proposal that is ready to be voted on;
  3. in cases where joint working groups with the Founding Convention are established for the purpose of prior coordination with the Founding President, without prejudice to the competences of the Founding Convention as a collegial body, to implement any of the strategic tasks entrusted to the Founding Convention under the IDSA Foundation Act, the possibility to hold meetings to discuss the subject matter at hand;
  4. if a proposal by the Founding President is not accepted by the Founding Convention, the Founding President is required to submit a new proposal within fourteen (14) days and this eventuality must be adequately considered in the time schedule whenever a matter is subject to resolution by the Founding Convention.

(8) All decisions made by the governing and other bodies must be documented in a transparent manner.

Part II of the Bylaws
Strategic management and performance agreement

Article 1
Strategic Development Document

(1) The strategic management of the University is based on a multi-annual Strategic Development Document. This document must in any event include statements and details for a medium-term period of three (3) years as well as an outlook (vision) for another three (3) years on the following:

1. the general strategic orientation and objectives of the University;

2. priorities in research, teaching, and Third Mission activities;

3. the human resources strategy;

4. plans regarding buildings and other infrastructure.

(2) The Founding President shall first prepare a draft of the Strategic Development Document by 28 February 2024. Following consultation of the International Strategic Advisory Board (Part III of the Bylaws), the latter shall draft an opinion within four (4) weeks of the consultation meeting. The Founding President shall then revise the Strategic Development Document as necessary and submit the revised draft to the Founding Convention for approval not later than four (4) weeks after having received the Advisory Board’s opinion.

(3) The regulations laid down in the Strategic Development Document must be reviewed on an annual basis as part of a standardised review in dialogue between the Founding Convention and the Founding President. If this process reveals the need for supplementary measures, regulations or other updates, the necessary adaptations must be made. If the development document requires any amendments, such amendments are subject to the approval of the Founding Convention.

Article 2
Performance agreement with the federal government

(1) The Founding President shall submit to the Founding Convention a proposal for the upcoming performance agreement, setting out the principal objectives and initiatives in reference to the Strategic Development Document.

(2) Following the approval of the proposal by the Founding Convention, the Founding President shall negotiate the proposal with the federal minister and shall report back to the Founding Convention on any essential outcomes. The Founding President shall enter into the performance agreement and report back to the Founding Convention without delay.

Part III of the Bylaws
International Strategic Advisory Board (ISAB)

Article 1

(1) The International Strategic Advisory Board (ISAB) is established to advise the Founding Convention and the Founding President on strategic matters of fundamental importance. It is also responsible for promoting contacts with relevant institutions and organisations as well as companies.

(2) The Advisory Board advises the Founding Convention and the Founding President. It is responsible for:

1. reviewing and providing advice on the Strategic Development Document drafted by the Founding President and discussing them with the Founding Convention and the members of the first management level as well as delivering an opinion and making recommendations on such document;

2. participating in the periodic reviews (Article 1 (3) of Part II of the Bylaws) of the University;

3. advising the Founding Convention and the Founding President on current academic-strategic issues, including, without limitation, on matters concerning the positioning of the University, general priorities in research and teaching, strategic decisions at University level, in each case if and insofar as the Founding President or the Founding Convention choose to involve the Advisory Board in these matters on a case-by-case basis;

4. participating in the advertisement of vacancies, search for and appointment of professors.

Article 2
Composition and activities

(1) The ISAB consists of a minimum of three, five or a maximum of seven renowned researchers of excellent standing who are active in Austria or abroad and who are not affiliated with the University. The majority of the members of the Advisory Board should be engaged in international activities. The members are appointed by the Founding Convention, acting on a proposal by the Founding President, for a term of five years; all members or part of the members (partial renewal) may be re-appointed once. The Founding President shall submit to the Founding Convention a proposal for the members of the ISAB. If no proposal acceptable to the Founding Convention is put forward, the Founding President shall request that the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) nominate qualified individuals, from which the Founding President shall select candidates for a new proposal.

(2) The members of the ISAB are entitled to adequate remuneration for their activities; they must also be reimbursed for any travel expenses incurred in connection with their work. The remuneration and travel expenses are subject to the principles of efficiency, economy and expediency. The rules or agreements on the amount of the remuneration and the general rules on travel expenses are subject to the approval of the Founding Convention.

(3) The ISAB shall elect a chairperson and a deputy from among its members. The person who has received the highest number of valid votes cast is deemed to be elected; ties must be broken by drawing lots. Unless otherwise provided for below, the relevant person is elected for the duration of their term of office. The Advisory Board may vote to dismiss the chairperson without giving reasons. The chairperson may resign from their position before the end of their term by giving written notice to the Founding Convention, without the need for good cause. These rules also apply to the deputy chairperson.

(4) The ISAB shall meet at least once a year. The Founding President shall issue invitations to attend the meetings in consultation with the chairperson of the Founding Convention. It is also possible to invite non-members to meetings for the purpose of providing information on specific issues. The chairperson of the ISAB shall prepare the meetings in cooperation with the Founding President and the chairperson of the Founding Convention, shall preside over the meetings and shall deliver the ISAB’s opinions to the chairperson of the Founding Convention and the Founding President. The agenda of ISAB meetings must, as a rule, allow for the possibility of an exchange between the ISAB and the Founding Convention, the Founding President and the members of the first management level.

(5) The deliberations and recommendations of the Advisory Board are confidential.

Part IV of the Bylaws
Vacancies and employment or appointment

Article 1
Academic staff

(1) Academic vacancies may be filled at any time.

(2) As a rule, academic vacancies must be published on the CIP by the Founding President. Such advertisements may also be expressed in broad or mission-oriented terms or cover multiple vacancies at a time on a broader subject and at different levels of seniority. The period for submitting applications must be at least three (3) weeks.

(3) Vacancies of less than one (1) year’s duration for which suitable candidates are known may also be filled without being advertised.

Article 2

(1) Vacancies for professorships are advertised and filled on the basis of the Strategic Development Document and any additional agreements between the Founding President and the Founding Convention. The Founding President shall inform the Founding Convention of any planned vacancies for professorships.

(2) Vacancies must be advertised by the Founding President on the CIP as well as on an international level in an appropriate manner; the latter may also take the form of a reference to the advertisement published on the CIP. The advertisements may be expressed in broad or mission-oriented terms or cover multiple professorship vacancies at a time on a broader subject at different levels of seniority. The period for submitting applications must be at least three (3) weeks.

(3) To conduct the selection procedure for filling professorships, the Founding President shall appoint and chair a Search Committee for each vacancy. The following persons shall serve on the Search Committee as voting members:

1. one member delegated by the Founding Convention;

2. two qualified academics, preferably members of the ISAB as set out in Part III of the Bylaws, nominated by the Founding President;

3. the member delegated to the advisory board for the founding stage (section 7 of the IDSA Foundation Act) by the Austrian National Union of Students (ÖH) or any other person nominated by the Austrian National Union of Students.

(4) The Founding President may, in agreement with the Founding Convention, delegate up to two additional members of the University as voting members. As soon as the University has at least six professors, these two members must be delegated by the professors at the University from among their number.

(5) To uphold the aspects referred to in Article 1 (2) of Part I of the Bylaws, the Search Committee also has a non-voting member that must be delegated by the body responsible for equality and diversity at the University. Until such a body has been established at the University, this member is delegated by the Federal Minister of Education, Science and Research.

(6) The Founding President shall develop standard criteria and procedures on the basis of internationally accepted quality criteria and procedures. The Founding Convention shall adopt these criteria and procedures following their submission by the Founding President.

(7) The Search Committee shall adopt the assessment criteria and the steps of the selection procedure on the basis of the standard criteria and procedures defined under para (6). While doing so, the standard criteria and procedures may be supplemented or adapted e.g. by function-specific or subject-specific criteria. The Search Committee shall, in any event, invite those candidates who are particularly suited for the position for a public presentation and interview.

(8) It may be stipulated that external expert opinions must be obtained from well-known Austrian or international researchers to assist the Search Committee in forming its opinion. The requirement to obtain such expert opinions may be waived in whole or in part if it is to be expected that – having regard to the necessary skills of the candidates in question – the next stages of the procedure will allow for a qualified and well-founded decision to be reached with sufficient clarity; in any event, however, the member delegated by the Founding Convention may insist that such expert opinions be obtained.

(9) The Search Committee shall then produce a ranked list of suitable candidates for a professorship or, if the advertisement is to fill multiple vacancies, shall draw up several shortlists of candidates and give reasons for its selection and/or ranking.

(10) The Founding President has no right to vote in the Search Committee on decisions set out in paras (7) and (8). The Founding President may appoint a member of the Search Committee (para 3 subpara 1 – subpara 2) to act as chairperson for the duration of the decision-making process.

(11) The Founding President may accept, change the ranking within, or even reject the shortlist(s) of candidates. In the event of a rejection, the reasons for such rejection must be explained. After the Founding Convention has confirmed that the procedure was conducted in line with the Bylaws, the Founding President shall proceed with the next steps of the procedure and shall sign an employment contract. If the Founding Convention does not confirm that the procedure was conducted in line with the Bylaws, the procedure must be amended or repeated after consultation between the Founding Convention and the Founding President.

Article 3
Chairs of excellence

(1) If there is an opportunity to recruit particularly qualified researchers and lecturers of international renown and excellent standing who can significantly contribute to the establishment and further development of the University (‘chairs of excellence’), such individuals may be appointed without the need to advertise the position or appoint a Search Committee. Chairs of excellence are personal to the holder of the position.

(2) If such a case arises, the Founding President and the Founding Convention shall inform one another thereof and shall reach an agreement on how to proceed. The establishment of a chair of excellence is subject to prior approval by the Founding Convention (resolution of principle).

(3) The Founding President shall proceed with the next steps of the procedure and – following the approval by the Founding Convention – shall sign an employment contract.

Article 4
Dual professorships and professors of practice

(1) Dual professorships are professorships with an affiliation to IT:U and another university. They aim to promote cooperation between IT:U and a partner institution in shared fields of teaching and research and to enable renowned academics to pursue an academic career at IT:U without prejudice to their other commitments. Holders of dual professorships are involved in research and teaching, supervise students and doctoral students, and have access to internal sources of funding at both partner universities. When establishing a dual professorship, the Founding President and the Founding Convention shall specify what is expected of the person to be appointed in terms of research, teaching, and other contributions. The establishment of a dual professorship must be agreed between the two partner institutions to ensure that the strategic interests of both partner institutions are safeguarded.

(2) Dual professorships are personal to the holder of the position. The professorship ends upon termination of employment or retirement of the holder from the partner universities due to age or for any other reason, unless the Founding Convention, acting on a proposal by the Founding President, resolves otherwise; the professorship also ends upon appointment pursuant to Article 1 or 2 of Part IV of the Bylaws.

(3) Professor of practice positions may be established to recruit individuals who possess proven excellent knowledge and skills without necessarily having authored academic publications and who are actively employed by a non-academic institution or by the University itself as teachers. The number of such positions must not exceed the extent of two full-time professorships or 10% of the full-time professorships established at the University.

(4) Professor of practice positions are personal to the holder and are usually established for a fixed term.

(5) With the approval of the Founding Convention, professors of practice may be appointed without advertising the position. In all other respects, the provisions relating to professorships apply mutatis mutandis subject to the proviso that the Founding Convention shall decide on the appointment once the Search Committee has submitted its opinion.

Article 5
Adjunct lecturers

(1) Adjunct lecturers are highly qualified individuals entrusted with the task of teaching courses; they are granted an authorisation to teach the courses in question for a fixed term.

(2) Adjunct lectureships are awarded by the Founding President, who shall inform the Founding Convention of the lectureships awarded and the lecturers recruited for the respective semester.

Article 6
Members of the first management level

(1) Vacancies for members of the first management level are advertised and filled on the basis of the Strategic Development Document, the Organisational Structure Plan, and any additional agreements between the Founding Convention and the Founding President. The advertisements are published by the Founding President once the Founding Convention has approved the proposed text of the advertisement. The Founding President decides on the number and time of the advertisements. The period for submitting applications must be at least three (3) weeks.

(2) Vacancies must be advertised on the CIP as well as, in any event, on an international level in an appropriate manner; the latter may also take the form of a reference to the advertisement published on the CIP. The advertisements may also cover multiple positions at a time with a broad range of competences and responsibilities. Positions in university administration may also be connected with duties in research and teaching.

(3) The Founding Convention shall participate in the selection procedure to be conducted by the Founding President by nominating a person who must be involved in an advisory capacity at the latest at the stage when a final selection is to be made from the preselected candidates. The Founding President may also engage an external consulting firm for staff selection processes to facilitate the procedure, and shall draw up a well-founded shortlist of candidates.

(4) Once the approval of the Founding Convention has been obtained, the Founding President shall sign an employment contract.

(5) If a member of the first management level is appointed to a professorship, the provisions relating to the establishment of dual professorships apply mutatis mutandis.

Part V of the Bylaws
Final provisions

These Bylaws enter into force at the end of the day of their publication on the website, are subject to evaluation by 31 December 2024, and cease to be effective at the end of 28 February 2025.

Part VI of the Bylaws
Organisational Structure Plan

Article 1
University management

(1) The Founding President manages the University and represents it in dealings with third parties. He or she decides – based on the regulations on cooperation between the Founding President and the Founding Convention – on all matters not expressly assigned to another governing body under the IDSA Foundation Act. The Founding President is, in particular, responsible for managing the day-to- day business and setting up a work organisation structure.

(2) The Founding President may appoint other persons to act for the University by granting them powers of attorney to enter into individual transactions, limited powers of attorney covering one or more specific areas of activity and – subject to the approval of the Founding Convention – general powers of attorney.

(3) The Founding President shall establish a first management level (Article 6 of Part IV of the Bylaws) consisting of the Managing Director and a maximum of five Founding Directors, who are in charge of individual areas of responsibility, including the administrative and functional leadership of the staff assigned to them or reporting to them, with direct oversight by the Founding President.

(4) To coordinate the various areas of activity, the Founding President shall establish and chair a Founding Management Board (FMB) that has an advisory role and consists of the Managing Director and the Founding Directors. The Founding Management Board is not a collegial body within the meaning of Article 81c of the Federal Constitutional Act.

(5) The Founding Convention may, acting on a proposal by the Founding President, appoint one or two members of the Founding Management Board as Vice President(s). They represent the Founding President in the event of the latter’s absence; this also applies if the Founding President is unable to perform his or her duties due to serious illness or similar circumstances. The Founding President defines the responsibilities of the Vice Presidents with due regard to their managerial authority and may also entrust the Vice Presidents with additional tasks.

Article 2
Founding Directors, Managing Director

(1) The Founding Directors are responsible for the development and management of their area of responsibility and for the budget assigned to it, including the administrative and functional leadership of their staff. They are required to take all conceptual and substantive decisions necessary for this purpose and to ensure that the individual areas evolve in innovative ways. As regards the respective areas of responsibility, this includes, without limitation:

1. serving on the Founding Management Board to ensure a holistic view of the University’s development and to take collaborative action to achieve the objectives;

2. participating in university-wide strategic development and quality assurance processes;

3. signing a target agreement with the Founding President;

4. strategic planning for the respective area of responsibility in line with the strategic multi- year plan and in accordance with the target agreement signed with the Founding President;

5. drafting a development plan as well as budget and staffing plans for the respective area of responsibility;

6. setting up the assigned areas of responsibility and the required structures in line with the overarching objectives;

7. the organisational management and coordination of activities in the respective area of responsibility, including the distribution of resources;

8. the administrative and functional leadership of the assigned university staff;

9. making expedient use of the allocated funds and resources in line with the defined policies and approval processes, especially in compliance with the dual control principle and the principles of efficiency, economy and expediency;

10. submitting regular reports to the Founding President.

(2) The Founding Directors’ autonomy in staffing matters in the respective areas of responsibility also includes – without prejudice to the Founding President’s overall organisational responsibility – decision-making authority on filling vacancies in the context of staff selection procedures. Furthermore, the Founding Directors are entitled to delegate all necessary functional and organisational activities. Key elements of the organisational and operational structures, especially such that may affect other areas of responsibility, must be agreed in advance within the Founding Management Board, with fundamental decisions in the respective areas of responsibility requiring the approval of the Founding President.

(3) The areas of responsibility of the Founding Directors must be defined and allocated by the Founding President. The allocation of responsibilities is subject to the approval of the Founding Convention. In any event, concrete and specific performance indicators and development goals must be defined across different planning horizons for each Founding Director on the basis of the allocated responsibilities.

(4) If administrative functions are combined with duties in research and teaching, the extent of the administrative functions and academic commitments must be defined along with concrete, specific objectives.

(5) Paras (1) and (2) apply mutatis mutandis to the Managing Director. In particular, the Managing Director is also responsible for dealing with and/or ensuring the implementation of overarching and essential cross-cutting matters, e.g. those in line with the aspects referred to in Article 1 (2) to (3) of Part I of the Bylaws or issues of employee protection, privacy or whistle-blower protection.

Article 3
Overall organisation

(1) The University is structured around three organisational units:

1. Department Science & Education,

2. Department Central Services,

3. Office of the Board.

(2) Research and teaching are to be organised within the Department Science & Education in accordance with Articles 5, 6 and 7. The Founding Directors and their areas of responsibility are assigned to the Department Science & Education. The Department Science & Education is headed by the Founding President with due regard to the freedom of research and teaching of the university members working there.

(3) Central administrative services are to be organised within the Department Central Services, within which divisions or other structures may be established. The Department Central Services is headed by the Managing Director.

(4) The Office of the Board is an auxiliary body designed to support the university management in administrative and organisational matters. The Office of the Board is headed by the Founding President. To support the activities of the Founding Convention, an Office of the Founding Convention is to be established within the Office of the Board along with the necessary spatial and administrative resources. Within the scope of their assignment, the staff members of the Office of the Founding Convention are bound only by the instructions of the chairperson of the Founding Convention as regards the content of their activities.

(5) The Founding President shall inform the Founding Convention of the current organisational structure at least once a year upon the start of the academic year.

Article 4
University staff

(1) All staff members of the University (university staff) must be assigned to an organisational unit by the Founding President. If any staff members are assigned to two or more organisational units, the extent, functional scope and objectives of these measures must be defined by the Founding President acting in concert with the Founding Directors concerned and the Managing Director.

(2) Within a department, individual staff members or groups of staff members may be assigned to the area of responsibility of the Managing Director or of a Founding Director. In such a case, the relevant Director acts as their direct superior.

Article 5
Department Science & Education

(1) Research and teaching at the University are to be organised within the Department Science & Education, within which research groups or other structures may be established. These are designed to deliver academic achievements in research, teaching and the tasks incumbent on the University as part of its social responsibility as a catalyst and contributor to social, economic and technological developments (Third Mission) as well as to serve quality assurance functions.

(2) To promote the University’s interdisciplinary profile, research platforms may be established that bring together academics from at least two research groups to conduct joint research.

(3) The internal structure of the Department Science & Education pursuant to paras (1) and (2) is defined and, if necessary, modified by the Founding President. The Founding President shall establish work, information and communication processes to foster interdisciplinary research and to support and facilitate work on joint research projects as a matter of priority.

(4) The Founding President shall appoint – and, if necessary, dismiss – suitable academics to head the sub-divisions referred to in paras (1) and (2). The Founding President is also entitled to delegate all necessary staffing and organisational responsibilities and/or grant appropriate authorisations to these sub-divisional heads.

Article 6
Organisation of teaching and learning

To support the efficient development of the degree and educational programmes offered by the University, it is necessary to establish at least one or more areas of responsibility dedicated to the central performance of educational and programme-related functions. This includes the development, implementation and further development of the range of degree and educational programmes as well as the evaluation of such programmes and of innovative teaching, learning and examination methods and formats; student and teacher representatives must be involved in this process in an advisory capacity. Responsibility for the establishment, structuring and management of these areas of responsibility lies with the competent Founding Director, who must exercise this function in cooperation with the study programme directors of the degree or educational programmes.

Article 7
University budget

(1) The Founding President is responsible for the university budget and its implementation. For this purpose, the Founding President shall establish an effective control system that requires, in particular, the principle of dual control to be applied whenever liabilities are incurred or payments are made.

(2) The Founding Convention can draw on those parts of the university budget allocated to it for the purpose of performing its activities and conducting its affairs. Any procurement and commissioning must comply with the general policies in place at the University. Any related financial and accounting operations, including payment processing and monitoring, must be carried out by the competent organisational unit within the University’s administration on behalf of the Founding Convention.

For the Founding Convention:

Claudia von der Linden

Chairperson of the Founding Convention