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Imprint/disclosure/information on the service provider in accordance with §§ 24, 25 Media Act and § 5 E-Commerce Act

Information on the media owner, publisher, editors, service provider as defined by the E-Commerce Act

Media owner/publisher/service provider:
Interdisciplinary Transformation University (IT:U) (hereinafter also referred to as “University”)

Address/registered office:
Altenberger Straße 66c / OG 2
Science Park 4
4040 Linz

Telephone number:

Contact details:

Value added tax identification number: 

Legal form: 
Legal entity under public law (Section 1 (2) Federal Act on the Establishment of the Institute of Digital Sciences Austria – Federal Law Gazette I No. 120/2022 and Section 1 (3) Federal Act on the Establishment of the Institute of Digital Sciences Austria – Federal Law Gazette I No. 43/2024 – “IDSA Act”)

Authorized representative bodies:

Founding President: Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Inf. Dr. Stefanie Lindstaedt

Chief Operating Officer (Managing Director): Gabriele Költringer, EMBA

Founding Convent:

Supervisory body of the university in the founding phase

Dipl.-Ing. Claudia von der Linden, MBA (IMD)

Drin. Christina Rami-Mark 
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Martin Hitz

Univ.-Prof. Dipl.Ing. Dr.Dr.h.c. Wilfried Eichlseder
Prof. Dr. Dieter Kranzlmüller
Dipl.-Ing. Christopher Lindinger, MAS
DI Katja Schechtner, MSc
Dr. Wolfgang Steiner

Information on supervision:
The Institute of Digital Sciences Austria is subject to federal legal supervision in accordance with Section 4 (1) of the IDSA Act.

Corporate purpose – tasks and scope of action

§ Section 2 (1) of the IDSA Act
The university’s field of activity encompasses digitalization and digital transformation in a broad and interdisciplinary understanding that also includes the arts. The intended interdisciplinarity – also through the use of inter-university cooperation – is intended to achieve an interaction in particular between technical, scientific, economic, legal, social science, humanities and cultural studies as well as artistic disciplines. Research fields and courses are dedicated to all dimensions of digitalization and its transformative effects on science, art, society and the economy as well as the conception, application and potential of digital design possibilities.

§ Section 3 (3) and (4) of the IDSA Act
The Institute of Digital Sciences Austria must develop structures that take into account the special challenges of the university’s thematic focus (§ 2) and serve the further development of the Austrian higher education system.

The University’s actions in the foundation phase primarily serve to prepare for the gradual start of regular operations from the beginning of the winter semester 2023/24.

§ Section 9 (1) of the IDSA Act
The University is entitled to establish Bachelor, Master and doctoral degree programs as well as university courses within its sphere of activity.

Applicable legal provisions

The Federal Act on the Establishment of the Institute of Digital Sciences Austria – Federal Law Gazette I No. 120/2022 – “IDSA Act”;

Sections 1 and 2 of the Research Organization Act (FOG), Federal Law Gazette No. 341/1981;

The Federal Public Corporate Governance Code (B-PCGK).

Basic direction

The purpose of the website of the Institute of Digital Sciences Austria is to inform the public about matters concerning the Institute of Digital Sciences Austria in the areas of teaching and research and to provide information from the Institute of Digital Sciences Austria on organizational and administrative issues.


The information on this website has been compiled by the Institute of Digital Sciences Austria with the greatest possible care. Nevertheless, no guarantee can be given for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information and data provided. Liability claims against the Institute of Digital Sciences Austria or the authors or persons responsible for this website for damages of any kind are excluded. No liability can be accepted for the content of any links that lead to pages outside the area of responsibility of the Institute of Digital Sciences Austria. The Institute of Digital Sciences Austria reserves the right to change, supplement or delete the content of this website in whole or in part at any time. The Institute of Digital Sciences Austria accepts no liability for any resulting consequences.


All content and works on this website are protected by copyright. Any kind of use, exploitation and/or distribution requires the written consent of the Institute of Digital Sciences Austria.

Photo Credits

The rights to the photos on this website belong to the respective photographer. The photos used on the website come from various sources, including:

Felix Büchele
Andreas Röbl
Antje Wolm
Patrick Münnich
Adobe Stock
Ars Electronica

Whistleblowing Channel

As part of our commitment under the Whistleblower Protection Act, the Whistleblower Ombudsperson Office at Burgstaller & Partner (Attorneys at law) is open for the submission of reports regarding potential breaches at